About The Fox and Treaty Four

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Photographer is Born

            When we went to Treaty 4, Coleman, Carter, and I were all supposed to be a part of a group. Long explanation short, our group got mixed up pretty badly. Carter did our interview too early BY HIM-SELF; I had no idea what kind of goblin ate Coleman, and I was still waiting out the extra half hour we needed to. On top of all that, we couldn’t even get a direct interview in the first place. So, despite being stranded on an island of nothing to do, instead of just wandering around aimlessly, hogging up the camera that I’d borrowed from the school, I put that camera to good use and went wild with the shutter button!

            Like most of the cameras loaned out that day, sharing took advantage of already having eaten some of the memory card, but there was tons of material to catch with a camera at Treaty 4! Soon enough, I forgot about what our whole group was confuzzled (confused & puzzled) about, and I really got into the picture snapping, even if I didn’t get to snap some photos of our interviewee; little did I know I would be the cause of the visual palette of pictures that a great deal of the student blogs on this section of Blog-spot are using!

            Today, I came into class, thinking it was going to be just another normal ELA, do my work, stuff like that, but then I looked at the folders of each camera we used, and Mrs. Koops had clicked on the folder marked with the camera number I had, Camera #11. The majority of the photos in the folder turned out to be the ones I had taken, and I actually just noticed it today. Like I said, I was totally focused on snapping shots of T4 (short for Treaty 4), and I did not count it, but the pictures were still a great hit!

            This made me feel more confident in my photography in our school. We have four afternoon blocks.  My final class in the 3rd and 4th quarters are Communications Media (mostly Photoshop 101 from what I’ve heard), then Photography, both respectively. I think I will actually take my Photography and ask Mr. Cochrane how soon I can move it, and if I can only swap with my Comm Media, then I will do so anyway. I think Photography could be another career option for me if Computer I.T. (Information Technician) does not let me through its doors for whatever reason, and if it does, Photography could still be a fantastic hobby to take up!

            Anyway, I very much enjoyed Treaty 4. The food was great, the activities were fun and amazing, the huge ring they ask the audience to form every year is fun as well, and all of this makes up for so many things to take pictures of! One thing I missed was when Bert, the school mascot, got to drum with the other drummers. But I thought, “Eric, you already half-filled a memory card and made it more than worthwhile…Great job!”
Pics from Camera Eleven Not Yet Featured

Elders and Veterans at Flag Raising Ceremony

Eagle Claw at Flag Raising Ceremony

Flags Raised at Flag Raising Ceremony

Creeson Agecoutay with CTV News

Chenoa Interviewing Chief Perry Bellegarde with
Ashlie Interviewing Emcee, Howie Thomson, in the Background

Parkland College Display
Kids Trying on the Suits

Howie Thomson Interviewing Erroll Kinistino

Joining Hands in the Round Dance

Bert Fox invited into picture with Eagle Claw Singers and Veterans
after the Victory Song and Flag Lowering Ceremony

Howie Thomson Telling Another Story

1 comment:

  1. Great pics, Eric!! I look forward seeing your works in future.
