About The Fox and Treaty Four

Friday, September 20, 2013

Being a Journalist

Have you ever wanted to be a journalist? I have, but it’s not all what you might think it is. It takes a lot of patience and you have to be a good listener; if you’re good at that, then you will be an awesome journalist. This blog will show you how to be journalist and give you some tips that will make your article the best, better than everyone else’s.
The first thing you should do is know who you want to interview, or if it’s a subject, then look for a person who knows about it. After that, set up an interview (make sure you have a pen and paper) ask them when and where they could meet you (make sure you get their name). This step is like a pre-interview; you ask them simple conversational questions – this pre-interview should help you with information on the subject in case you need to change your questions, or if you want to ask more. (Remember, this is NOT the real interview, so don’t ask all your questions, and remember when you are doing the real interview, not to make it too long). Now that you have a person to interview and some information on the subject you are ready for the real interview.
Before you go and start asking questions, make sure you have everything you need. The most important thing you should have on you is a pen and paper. Those two things should make your interview a lot easier. The other thing that would make it easier would be a recorder, that way, if you want to go over the interview after, and if you think you missed something, you can just listen to the recorder. You should also bring a camera so you can show people who you interviewed and also catch readers’ attention.

Now you know how to be one, you can start your journey on to being a journalist.

These steps are what helped me become a journalist; I hope they help you.

By Alyssa Paul

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